1·The second principle is to loosen the control that providers of online services have over data and give more to those who supply them.
2·Over 75% of Greenlanders voted to give themselves the right to loosen ties with Denmark by slowly taking control of such areas as security, justice and police affairs.
3·To achieve this goal, the first step is to loosen the governmental control upon the public schools.
4·The explosive jar is used to loosen a stuck choke or production control in the tubing.
5·Sometimes just diversifying our conversation topics can open up our world and loosen our job's control.
6·Pressure on the Ministry of Railways to find the billions needed for all this expansion may eventually force it to loosen its grip on pricing and cede control of at least some of the railroads.
7·Over 75% of Greenlanders voted to give themselves the right to loosen ties with Denmark by slowly taking control of such areas as security, justice and police affairs.
8·The process see chart 7 Firstly, release the pressure of control valve, and disassemble control pipeline and loosen connecting nut before take out the actuator.
压力阀的拆装步骤见图7 首先把控制阀压务释放,拆卸控制管线,松开连接执行器联接螺母,取下执行器。